I am still here as i type this, but Layne is sleeping and I am enjoying my last night in Dallas on the couch in the air conditioning.
Layne and I had such a wonderful trip here in Dallas, and I am so sad it's coming to an end. I have never done so much in this city, even when i lived here. The weather was beautiful (for the most part) and everyone loved on Layne so much, it just about made my heart explode. I don't think i could love this little one more and I just love it when everyone loves on her. SO MUCH LOVE
(TEAR) - lots of those were shed... but what's new?
We were in Dallas on Wednesday to the following Wednesday. Here's what we did.. and pictures to follow. Layne was a champ on the plane! (hope she is on the way back too!!)
on the plane |
On Wednesday we landed, and my sister Dori came to pick me up from the airport with her friend. And we went to the
All Good Cafe for breakfast. YUM
Then back to my parents house to say hi, then off to Frisco (Little Elm, Texas) To Dori's house. We made it just in time for bed, and put the kids to sleep and proceeded to bust out the wine.
The next day, we travelled back to Dallas, and my brother OJ came into town from Houston just to see
me Layne! ;)
That night I put Layne to bed and went out for a drink with Holly.
Then on Friday- Dori and I and her kids (Simone and Julian) and of course Layne went to a great new park in downtown Dallas called
Klyde Warren Park. It's in the middle of downtown Dallas very close to my old high school. They built the park above the highway and it was packed! With food trucks to boot. After that, i rushed home and got ready to meet some old friends at one of their houses for a happy hour with friends and kiddos. It was so great to see everyone! I should have taken more pictures..... dang!
Road trip to the park! |
First time in her whole life wearing shorts |
and a summer hat |
Crutchfield's |
Kelly & Cortney with Layne and our friends' Kyle and Adrienne's baby |
Saturday- my family and I went to the
Dallas Zoo. I can't remember the last time i was there. We walked around for hours, ate lunch at a picnic table helped sing Happy Birthday for the Dallas Zoo's 125th birthday and got free cupcakes. We rode the monorail, saw koalas, and kangaroos, and giraffes, and i successfully nursed my baby all the way throughout the zoo in my carrier without anyone knowing. It was a wonderful day and i got my first sunburn of the season.
Saturday night, holly and I went bar hopping after I put Layne to bed. It was a great day.
on the Monrail |
Penguins |
Happy Nana and kiddos |
beautiful little Simone |
Happy Papa and Layne |
Sunday- We met the Wyner's (Alison & Lindsi's mom and Dad) for Brunch at
Mattito's. Aka- best breakfast buffet in Dallas.
Then we came home and had a relaxing day and evening.
Sally and Michael with a gift for Layne |
Monday- We all went to the new
Perot Museum of Nature and Science, and out to lunch. Such a fun day. Then Monday night we said goodbye to my sister and her kiddos as they went back home to frisco. (tear). Thanks for talking mom and dad into buying our plane tickets Dori! ;)
Layne's first encounter with a Racoon ;) |
High Chair at Lunch! (she barely fit) |
such a cultured little 5 month old |
I got tired of carrier her (my back!) - Sitting like a big girl for the first time in a stroller |
Beautiful building - Perot Musuem |
Holly & I |
Tuesday- we went to the
Dallas Aboretum for one last day of nature and sunshine and flowers.
Spring has sprung |
Loving the sun |
Beautiful Day |
Mini Photoshoot in her new Mexican Dress |
love you Nana! |
Yes, Holly is always with us. She is just as much apart of my family ;) |
Tomorrow we leave. It's been such a great trip and every time I come I wish we could move back to Dallas. But it's not in the cards for now. Thanks for a such a great trip Nana & Grandpa, Dori & Holly and the rest of you that I love. Layne and I had so much fun! We are anxious to get back home to see Papa and Chai.
Side Note: I was worried her sleep would be affected here. But she's been going down great every night.. right to sleep! BUT... she has started waking up again at night. I don't know if she's just been so exhausted from ALL of the activities we did or what, but I hope she gets back to 10-12 hours of non interrupted sleep when we get home.
Thanks for making it thru the longest post ever.
Dear Chicago.... please be summer when i get back, (or very soon). We will miss you Dallas.