As you all know Chicago got pounded with Snow like this Texan has NEVER seen. The night of the blizzard (Tuesday night) There was snow blowing in ever direction and THUNDER AND LIGHTNING! (aka Thundersnow) I mean it was crazy- Andrew and i hunkered down and drank wine and watched a horrible move (The Grownups - dont do it!) The photo below is a picture from inside my house looking out.... What we could see of out.....
Below is a view out of my window into the scary night that facebook friends deemed "Snowpocolypse" Which of course i found not only fitting, but hilarious....
This is the day after, i like to call National DIG YOUR CAR OUT DAY... normally Chicagoans would just let the car stay snowed in, but in this case- it is supposed to be 9 degrees tomorrow- that shit would freeze right up to your windshield and you will never get your car out!! Below is our street.....
This is a photo of my hot husband digging away.....(well....posing for a picture) :)
Here's is me... i busted out a snow coat that i haven't worn since 2001 (found a receipt in the coat pocket) ... nothing but class over here! So i have to say this is the first time i have dug my car out of the snow like that... I'm in action.... diggin' like a real chi-town gal!
Then we just had to start taking pictures.. Snow half way up the pole... to be fair.. people shoveled it there but it was too fun to pass up....
So i just jumped right up there (climbed and fell through a few times)... it looks like i am standing on that car.... This shit was crazy ya'll!!
Thank baby Jesus that i didn't have to go to work today.... don't get me wrong- i really had to beg for it... (boss wanted us too go in).... uh... Have you SEEN the outside of your window, sir??.. So tomorrow, i will trek my way to work. And i won't drive my car- you can't!! Your freshly shoveled spot will get taken.. this ain't my first rodeo !! (well andrew told me i shouldn't drive.) haha. So i'll be one of 50 million (give or take a few) headed for the train.. like a suker in the winter.
On a brighter note- We booked our trip to Europe for this summer today!! Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam here come the Chobot's !!! Can't wait...

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