
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Notes on Paris, Brussels, Bruges


1.)  None of the dogs are on leaches- just walking around, so well trained (chai would not fit in)

2.) There are no vegetables - i could have killed for some brocolli (still could)

3.)  The crepes were amazing- but a little intense for breakfast after being hung over...

4.)  Rue= Street, who knew?  i have been calling Chai Rue for years... she's named after a street

5.)  it does not get dark in Europe till about 10:15pm... seriously  andrew and i would take a nap- wake up at 9:15 and it would still be light out!!  So crazy;.. no wonder that city never sleeps

more to come- and pictures!  I tried to do it now but we are getting a very weak connection in Bruges...

on to Belgium:


1.)  Hung out with some fun brothers that were traveling for a month- got a few beers with them and basically heading back to the train.

2.) the bar we went to had a dog sitting on the bar stool... if i could upload-  that picture would be here.

3.) Beers were so cheap - 7.00 bucks for 4 good local belgium beer.

4.)  Didn't get to really SEE this city- just stuck close to the train station so we can get an early train to Bruges..

5.) Sons of Anarchy on the train... whilst viewing the lovely country side


1.) The hotel we are in is beautiful and i has the best shower ever (paris- not so much)

2.) it's pretty cold and rainy.... guess what  i have worn ALL 6 of my shoes that i brought!!!!  and it's day four-  and both coats i brought.. i packed real good, thanks again for letting me talk that out.

3.)  Everyone speaks english and really enjoys it- they start learning in elementary school and are very happy to talk in english (not like Paris)

4.)  You can still smoke in bars here

5.)  we walked 300 some stairs to get to the top of the Bell Tower it was an amazing view.

6.)  Went on the best beer tour it was an awesome brewery with one of the most entertaining guides.

7.)  Hilarious late night "clubs"  we went in- ordered a beer and sat outside it was like we were in Paris again.. love the outside seating everywhere - till 4am.

we are here now- so more to come on this-  off to Amsterdam tomorrow, after doing the canal tour in the morning.   but for now off to dinner in the rain.


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