
Friday, March 4, 2011

It's Friday, I'm in Love with Bikram Yoga

This song really did just play on the radio!  Yippie!  It's friday and I am in love with that.
This week has been a doozy for me.  I took Monday off- which was really nice because it made the week go by so much faster but.. it's JUST NOW, FINALLY Friday!??!!?  I guess i'll take it....
So yeah, i have been in this funk all week-(depressed/ moody/ crying for no reason- NO I'm not preggo...NOW)   Monday and Tuesday skipped yoga- because i thought being at home and eating a yummy home made dinner would make me feel better- Wed. & Thurs (and will today) went to yoga- and it really amazes me, how much better i feel after. JUST for going.

So today ends my 2 month groupon for unlimited yoga at  Bikram Yoga College of India- Chicago
Since going 2 months ago (for 3-4 times a week) I can already tell the difference in my body. No i didn't loose tons of weight (or barely any for that matter) but i do feel stronger.  Wanna feel my bicep?  My muscles are more defined and i can do poses that i couldn't do two months ago.
like this one:  Akward Pose 3 is it's name:

I know it looks super easy- but i haven't really used those thigh muscels since my dancin' days in college.  It burned like a mother to go down like that.  NOW-- i can do it.. BUT, i cannot get back up.. haha.. i'll get there (reason #1 to give all my money to the studio and pay for classes).
Reason #2  - Toe Stand:

I can't imagine ever being able to do this posture.  Lots of people don't even attempt it.  They just stand there in the position before while the skinny, strong yogis go down like this all focused and intense.  I dream of the day i can do this one.  But when i go down.. (i can get down there).. i cannot get my balance.  My gut is in the way then i just fall over every time.  Yesterday in class i completely fell over sat- down went to get a drink a water.. sweet yoga teacher in her serene voice... "Jessica- now is not the time to get a drink of water".....  OOPS!
This is one i can do:
Standing Head to Knee pose:  

there is another step after this though... head down- body down basically hugging that leg.  I can't do that yet.. but my teacher yesterday (same one that scolded me about drinking water during a posture)  said.. "great job jessica"  in class!  While i was doing this pose.  yay!!

That's the thing i love about Bikram yoga.  It's the same 26 poses for 90 minutes... and everyone has room to improve on all of them.. It really is like a practice- practice makes perfect.  I never thought i'd be able to do this (and love it!)  but here i am... i am doing this and i just want to get better at it (and get my body more toned).  This blog post might just be for me to talk myself into justifying the money it's gonna cost to continue the practice.. but i am gonna do it.  I hope that i continue to grow, and get stronger and my love for it doesn't fade away.
In april begins running 5ks season....  hmmm.. i haven't run since.....hmmmm.....  cross that bridge when i get there.
Here is one of my favorite poses:
Dead Body Pose:

(and yes, the classes are that full and the people are half dressed)-- it's 105 degrees in there, it's hot and you sweat like crazy- literally you walk out of this class completely soaked head to toe.      But anyway this dead body pose is the transition pose from standing to laying down.  You get to be in this position for two minutes.  It's very nice to be completely quiet and relaxed for 2 whole minutes in your day.  I highly suggest it if you can do it.  Just peace and quiet.  a little bit of meditation if you will-  totally worth the sanity we need in life.  love it.
Happy friday friends.


  1. so proud of you! and i have to know....what do you wear to this class?

  2. haha, actually after all that- i decided not to go today. Going to get a burger instead! A girl's gotta eat!
    I wear.. yoga pants (or shorts) and a tank top with a sport bra. no one needs to see me in JUST a sports bra. love you cort!


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