
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Meet my friend....

I love my friend Kathleen oh so much,- she is one of my oldest, nearest and dearest.   She has a toddler and she and her little family just moved back to Texas after years of living in our Nations Capital.

 Kathleen and i have been bestest friends since we were 12 years old, we have kept up on each others lives and i am so happy to follow her on this new bloggin' adventure that i have grown to love so much
You should check it out!  She's real pretty, smart, and hilarious- and a great writer.

It's called: Small People

She's also real great because she told me about an awesome photo editing site that i now LOVE!  Picnik

On this little site - i learned how to make a collage!
Take a little sneak peak at Kathleen and i throughout the years!  I wish i coulda busted out the jr. high/ highschool photos but you know..... i am on the couch.. and that would require gettin' up and scaninng and stuff..  that's too hard right now.. there is a thunderstorm and it's hailing outside, and i am all cuddled up on the couch watchin Season 3 of Sons of Anarchy...  i digress....

Top: L to R Jessica, Me, Christine and Kathleen at Christine & Ralph's wedding in Austin, TX.
Me & Kathleen at her wedding in DC
Christine, me, Kathleen at my bridal shower in Dallas
Christine, me, Kathleen & Ralph in Baltimore


  1. girl, you know i will read it....
    i have always thought she was pretty awesome. her blog just proves it :)

  2. yay! I told her to read your blog too! cause you are pretty awesome yourself. xo

  3. you guys are both awesome. even if we three were the only ones reading each other's blogs, that would be worth it. thanks, jessica! i would return the favor, but cortney already reads your blog :)
    also, your collage is awesome. i'm totally feeling inspired to bust out the oooold photos and scan away, then collage 'em up. but, yes, this seat is awfully comfy right now. xoxo


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